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creeping plant中文是什么意思

用"creeping plant"造句"creeping plant"怎么读"creeping plant" in a sentence


  • 瓜蒂提取物
  • 匍匐植物


  • Shrubs and creeping plants covered the windows , and hid from the garden and court these two apartments , the only rooms into which , as they were on the ground - floor , the prying eyes of the curious could penetrate
  • In my endeavour to escape , i pulled down all the creeping plants hanging down from above , and the weeds and plants growing on the walls of the pit also met the same fate . still , i failed to get out of the pit
  • In seeking the door , i turned an angle : there shot out the friendly gleam again , from the lozenged panes of a very small latticed window , within a foot of the ground , made still smaller by the growth of ivy or some other creeping plant , whose leaves clustered thick over the portion of the house wall in which it was set
用"creeping plant"造句  
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